How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
How do i become a Mason?
The Process
The process of becoming a Mason begins with selecting a Masonic Lodge you want to join (most likely near the community in which you live), contacting a friend or a member of that Lodge, and filling out a petition to begin the process.
Will you be asked to become a Mason?
The answer is no. For hundreds of years, Masons have been forbidden to ask others to join the fraternity. We can talk to friends and seekers about Masonry. We can tell them about what Masonry does. We can tell them why we enjoy it. But we can't ask, much less pressure, anyone to join.
Becoming a Mason is a very serious thing. Joining Masonry is making a permanent life commitment to live in certain ways--to live with honor and integrity, to be willing to share with and care about others, to trust each other, to respect others beliefs, to help others without reward. No man should be talked into making such a decision.
Traditionally a man must ask to be made a Mason.
He must seek the recommendation of a Mason to become a brother and join the fraternity. He asks for and fills out a petition (an application). He fills it out and gives it to the Mason, and that Mason takes and presents it to the local Lodge.
A committee is appointed to visit with the man and find out a little about him and his family, why he wants to be a Mason, and answer his questions about Masonry. The committee reports to the Lodge and the Lodge takes a vote on his petition. If the vote is affirmative--and it usually is--the Lodge will contact the man to set a date for initiation to the Degree of an Entered Apprentice. There are three Degrees of Masonry in which one needs to become proficient. When a man has completed all three Degrees, he becomes a Master Mason and a full member of the fraternity.
Step 1
I'm not sure what it means? Contact a lodge near your home or work, wherever is convenient. See if they have fellowship times where you can meet and ask questions. Garfield 50 holds informal get togethers on Saturday mornings at the lodge. Visit the "Calendar of Events" page to confirm times.Step 2
Attend fellowship / get to know you events, ask lots of questions and see if Masonry and the Lodge you are visiting are right for you.Step 3
If you feel that Masonry is the right choice, ask about joining. A mason will never ask you to join, but will provide the process for joining. In Colorado, we require that we know the candidate for at least 6 months before they can submit a petition. If you already know a member of the lodge, this period may be shorter.Step 4
Submit your Application and Background Check paperwork, along with the associated fees (fees vary per lodge).Step 5
Your petition is read in Open Lodge (during a regular meeting), in order to give the brothers an opportunity to ask questions, and a simple vote to move forward is taken.Step 5
If the vote is successful, the background investigation is submitted and we wait for a report. If the report is successful, we will then contact the petitioner and arrange a time for several members of the lodge to visit the brothers home and meet his family. It is important that the petitioners significant others are involved in the process and have an opportunity to ask questions as well.Step 6
After the home visit, the brothers return with their findings and submit their report of investigation to the body of the lodge, where a secret ballot is taken. If successful, the petitioners application is accepted, and he is now a candidate. The candidate is then contacted with a time and place to appear so he can be initiated into the craft.
Application to become a Mason
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.Matthew 7:7