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Garfield Lodge #50 A.F. & A. M.
Originally Chartered by Colorado's Grand Masonic Lodge in the mining town of Erie, we are now located at 2029 Hwy 66 in Longmont Colorado
Established on September 20th, 1882, Garfield Lodge #50 is now celebrating its 143rd year of fellowship and brotherhood in Masonry.
Meeting Times
Regular Communications / Meetings
Wednesday - 2nd and 4th of the month
Lodge Doors open at 6:30 pm,
Tiled Lodge begins at 7:00 pm
The Lodge is dark during June, July and August. All brother Masons from recognized jurisdictions world-wide are very welcome!
Jacket and Tie are suggested, but not required
Sojourners are welcome
Visitors must have proper credentials
Further Light / Meet the Masons
Saturdays 9:30 am to Noon
Casual Dress
Introduction to Masonry and how does a Man become a Mason
Please join us for Fellowship and open masonic conversations
All are invited, both masons and non-masons
(If you have questions about freemasonry... or are interested in joining... this is the time and place)
(even during the Summer)
(Coffee, Donuts, Breakfast Burritos)
Trestle Board Our schedule of events
Dates and Times for Events are on the
Calendar of Events
Regulary Meetings are 2nd and 4th
Wednesday's at 7:00 pm
We will have "no quorum" on the fourth Wednesdays in November and December
We have Masonic Education at Every Meeting
Web based application for information about lodge meeting time, locations and information
The Steps Of Freemasonry
Displays the structure of Freemasonry. Blue Lodge is the foundation and contains the first three degrees. All other degrees are built upon this foundation.
Picture from Life Magazine, 1956
Regular Communications
Our Lodge Meetings are called "Communications". They occur on consistent nights, which would be Regular. Our Regular Communications are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's each month.
The lodge doors open at 6:30 pm, and our Tiled Lodge begins at 7:00 pm.
The lodge is "Dark" during the months of June, July and August.
All brother Masons from recognized jurisdictions world-wide are very welcome!
We are dedicated to the Masonic Principals of Friendship, Morailty and helping those less fortunate who are in need of our strenth and support. Many of our activities sponsor worthwhile, fun activities for our brethren, their family and friends.
Sojourners are Welcome
"Off Wednesday's"
On the Wednesday's that we do not have lodge meetings, we often have other activites
First Wednesday
Planning meetings, which are open to all members. This is where we can discuss what we want to do, when we want to do things and provides an open forum for discussion on various topics along with planning our lodge meetings
Third and Fifth Wednesday's
We use this day for several different activites. Working on proficiencies, floor work, practice for degrees.
Third Wednesdays (as well)
Friendly poker and other games, which are open to all members and non members who want to get to know us better.
Our hope is that Wednesday evenings are for Masonic work, brotherhood, learning, planning and fun.